Who was Natyli of House Elosriad?
Natyli, The eight-hundred year-old Matriarch of House Elosriad, was a powerful Arch-Magus, Imperial High-Guard (High Elf), and Regional Governess of the Old-Empire of Aer Arnad's westernmost province called 'Orcrest'. She had re-conquered the land that had once belonged to her people in antiquity with the assistance of her Avariel apprentice, D'Athienne Arnad centuries ago. For longer than any human could remember, she had kept the western border of Aer Arnad from collapsing any further than the Eol River through guile, cruelty, bribery, and even naked hostility to her own people and neighbors. Natyli Elosriad had kept the borders consistent on the western edge of the empire without concession in the over four hundred years since its re-conquest.. and then almost two hundred years ago she disappeared.
Natyli was considered the second or third most powerful sorceress in living memory among the Kingdoms and Clans of the West. While some believed in the supremacy of certain long-dead arcanists, Natyli remained a terrifyingly powerful diviner, with no immediate answer on hand to defeat her. Some thought she possessed the ability to see and hear everything, including the thoughts and past words of those whose eyes she looked into. She could discern lies from truth, know the enemy's plans before execution on the battlefield, and anticipate and counter attacks in duels with stunning foresight, allowing her to defeat multiple assassination attempts.
Her dour and unhappy demeanor only served to emphasize the truth: Natyli had seen every minute of her life up until the moment of her death, ruining every potential happy surprise she could have ever experienced and giving her supernatural insight into how to accomplish her own aims. This sacrifice was made in the name of fulfilling her duty and strengthening her impact on the fate of the elves. She had spiritually martyred herself—a dead woman walking—and was impervious to mere humans unless they knew how to unravel the threads of fate she had so carefully spun.
The Governor had been a somewhat controversial figure in the eastern empire and its capital of Helmrast due to her savage violence and tyrannical rule over her province, but none could deny the elven matron's effectiveness, and none (yet) dared whisper of her being disloyal to The Empire or its Winged Avariel Emperor.
While Natyli Elosriad had been, according to records, a sworn Imperial High-Guard of The Winged Emperor, The High-Elven Bladesinger had not set foot in the capital of Helmrast or its Imperial Palace since cutting her golden hair and setting out on a path of conquest over six-hundred hundred years ago. Acting as a war-time Governess and conqueror, rather than distributing the lands she had conquered and allowing land-owners to vote on senators, Natyli violently shifted Imperial Politics by using war-time powers and simply appointing senators to be her representatives in congress. This controversially included appointing dozens of human senators representing various regions she had conquered.
While the Western province's politics and tactics were perhaps significantly more inclusive of humans than those of Eastern Helmrast ever was, the Sorceress likewise had been brutally oppressive of those she heard so much as whisper disloyalty from in regards to herself or Helmrast's Winged Emperor, be they Men or Elves.
Despite complaints about her naked power-grabs and large coalitions of normally oppositional senators attempting to slow her agenda, the despot paid lip-service to The Winged Emperor and his Imperial Decree had allowed Natyli to maintain her war-time powers virtually indefinitely for over four-hundred years. Hers had literally been the only expansion to crumbling Imperial dominion in over a millennium. This created both a buffer zone between the capital and violent human nations ever encroaching on elven land, and a clash of ideologies between the Western and Eastern provinces of The Empire of Aer Arnad—an argument for the soul and purpose of The Elven People that The Winged Emperor 'Saeldor The Wise' largely seemed content to watch play out between his most powerful servants.
It should be noted that while Natyli had been—at least by oath—loyal to the Elven nation of Aer Arnad, the majority of its citizens—especially in the Western-Most Provinces and Territories she claimed as her dominion—were humans; as were the bulk of the sorceress's armies, as well as the armies of those countries she most frequently came into conflict with in the west. In the 200 years since Sorceress of Orcrest's disappearance, most noble Imperial Loyalists and Legions of Aer Arnad receded to it's heartlands in the east; leaving the remainder of Imperial Citizens - men and elves - to bicker in the power vacuum resulting in an increasingly violent land-grab.
No one admits to knowing where Natyli Elosriad has gone, and seemingly no one is aware of the sorceress's ultimate fate, or even if her disappearance was intentional. If it was always part of the diviner's plans then she has seemingly divorced herself from - or perhaps even been removed by the gods - from mortal affairs for the foreseeable future.