Avatar & Appearance & Guidelines
Rules & Standards Updates:
Updates to the avatar rules or the specifics of any race can be made at any time by the staff as deemed necessary for clarity, to differentiate the fantasy races or to preserve the setting. Characters (no matter how long they've been on the sim) will be expected to abide by and update their characters to such OOC changes. If you are asked to update your appearance by a staff member, please remember that this is Rule #1 of the Avatars guidelines.
Observe The Standards of your Character's Race:
Every Race and creature type permitted on the sim has a list of standard features and options, and while some deviation is permitted, a level of biological uniformity is expected. We don't care if your drow has black skin or gray skin, or if your orc is gray, or greenish, but we do expect observation of the existing standards for expected bodily and facial features and avatar size.
Extreme Magic Effects:
Magic effects are absolutely fine on the sim, but we ask that auras, lightning effects, and the most extremes of magical effects be used for RPed combat or rituals rather than when just standing around looking powerful. In general, if you're not in an immediately threatening situation, turn down the lighting and aura effects. If you're on a win streak in combat, pop off. Have a good time!
Sexuality & Clothing Selection:
In general, assume most settlements have some basic laws or standards of decency. Being overtly or nearly naked outside of an emergency is highly discouraged unless your character is swimming, bathing in a river, stream or spring, or intentionally trying to create a temporary distraction. In general, it is preferred players police each other in-character rather than out of character, however whenever possible on this.
Character Age & Appearance:
Your character has to look, be and act at least 18 years old for most races and for others they may have to be and act significantly older. Any excessively young-looking avatars will be asked to change, regardless of the time present on the sim. (there are some heads, skins, and body shapes that, when alone, are fine, but together bring a questionably underage appearance.) Any small-sized races will be held to an even higher standard of adult appearances due to their size. They must have a clearly adult skin, muscular definition/weight to them, and developed breasts for female-presenting characters. “Femboy” appearance for small-sized characters are not allowed. You MAY play a femboy on a Medium-sized race, but a youthful appearance on a short avatar is not appropriate on Orcrest.
Gender Identity & Intersexed Characters:
Orcrest is for all people, and we absolutely welcome and want to embrace the freedom of expression of for characters who's authors may or may not themselves be members of Two-Spirit or any of the LGBTQIA+ communities -- and people writing characters who live as members of these communities are absolutely welcome, though fetishization of these conditions and lifestyles is not appropriate. (Please see below!)
Note: An uncommon (but not rare like Mithril) potion material (with other uses) known as Saltshard does exist in world to alter a drinkers gender and/or appearance via magic - previous use of this potion can be part of a character's backstory, and/or eventually found in the loot-tables in world. This potion can be crafted by a Master 'Wright', but is not routinely or conveniently available for back-and-fourth use without the specific in-world component mentioned and must be consumed in whole to function one time.
Obscene & Fetishized Appearances:
Orcrest is a Late-Medieval/Early Renaissance Fantasy genre sim intended to provide a place for greater realism, gritty conflict, intrigue, and general hardship in IC life. The Witcher, and Lord of the Rings are excellent examples for the types of characters, observable magic, and general thematic feel we want to foster.
In Orcrest, avatars of excessive proportions (outside the standards of playable races) and other highly sexualized/fetishized avatars are not allowed. We will also not permit the appropriation of marginalized communities/identities in order to defend such avatars, as a matter of respect for members of those communities and identities who wish to have a place free of the fetishization of their genuinely held truths. Examples of fetishization or inappropriate themes that will not be tolerated:
+ Furry/Cartoon/Anime
+ Bimbofication (including 'phat-ass femboys'. Androgynous appearances are fine!)
+ Excessively sized genitals or other macro body-parts in relation to the whole.
+ Animal genitals on humans, orcs, elves, etc.
+ Futanari or other appearances inspired by fetish content. (authentic genital configurations for intersexed characters are fine, but do research and frame the character outside of porn-terms such as 'futanari'.)
+ Excessively young appearances or acting are covered previously, above. (See Rule 5)
​While the vast majority of this is easily identified, there is a certain level of subjectivity necessarily involved. If asked by staff to make adjustments to your avatar based on these standards, understand that it is not a matter of judgment or condemnation of personal preferences. It is simply an effort to maintain immersion and thematic cohesion on sim. If you aren’t sure if your avatar is within acceptable bounds, please reach out to a Moderator/Admin who will be happy to assist. If there are any other related concerns, we ask that you please privately contact a Moderator/Admin for assistance.
​Credit: Soulmoor for the inspiration of these guidelines.