Staff Code of Conduct
The Staff Code of Conduct is put here for everyone to see. Roleplay sims routinely have serious staff drama, and in an effort to avoid this the sim owner has set guidelines for the conduct of staff members. Importantly, these are here to keep us honest, and to allow players to report behaviour from staff to the sim owner with confidence.
1. Community Code of Conduct
In addition to the following articles, staff members are held more strictly to the Community Code of Conduct than non-staff. Breaking the Community Code counts as breaking the Staff Code.
2. The Staff Serves the Public at the Discretion of the Owner
Any member of staff may be dismissed by the Owner for any reason at any time. We are here to serve the greater interests of the roleplaying community as a whole, not just those roleplayers we personally appreciate. In reflection of that, there are no perks to being staff, and staff members who cannot fulfill their responsibilities will be removed. The resignation of a staff member will never be allowed to be used as leverage or blackmail for negotiation, and any attempts to do so will be met with removal.
3. Honesty, Solidarity, and Trust
What happens in staff chat (or is otherwise shared between staff members) must be kept confidential and not used to embarrass players being reprimanded or staff who made mistakes. Publicly or privately airing sim laundry, musings, ideas, sim plans, or anything similar to non-staff is grounds for dismissal. Even (and especially) when you disagree with a call, the staff must be a united front to those outside of it. The Owner is the sole determiner of what can and cannot be released to the public - if you want to be allowed to release something, just ask!
4. Impartiality
Staff are not allowed to handle any staff task (be they issues, story, or anything else) involving their character, or involving situations their character has a vested interest in. If a situation arises where all available staff are recused, the Owner will handle the situation herself. When making judgment calls, staff should always post in the correct part of staff chat and involve other members of staff. In addition, if a player is unhappy with a ruling made, they have the right to appeal to the Admin team. The Admins may take some time to deliberate, and you must abide by the ruling made while waiting on an appeal.
5. Integrity
Staff are not allowed to use their position to advantage their characters, or the characters of their friends. Doing so is grounds for dismissal, and in extreme cases outright removal from the sim. Doing so poisons the trust players have in the staff team, and that is unacceptable.
6. Professionalism
​Though staff positions are unpaid, maintaining an air of good manners and professionalism is a requirement for staff. This doesn't mean you can't make jokes, or that you must be a humourless automaton, but any jokes or comments made should be respectful when dealing with players in your capacity as staff. While socializing or roleplaying, avoid wearing a staff tag so that players know you're not acting in an official capacity.
7. Damaging the Sim Experience
This shouldn't need to be said, but staff are not to damage the sim experience. This includes damaging or deleting parts of the website, Discord, sim build, or other elements of the sim, even if you're on your way out the door. Anything placed on the sim, Discord, or website by staff members in the context of their duties belongs to the community, and attempts to steal from the community will result in black-listing.
8. Leaving Staff
Leaving staff is not a way to get out of the Staff Code of Conduct. Once you have resigned or been otherwise removed from staff, you are relieved of staff duties and responsibilities but are still bound by the Staff Code of Conduct regarding your time on staff. Breaking the Staff Code of Conduct after leaving staff (ex. Sharing information learned as staff to the public) will result in removal from the sim.