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"What more to life is there than the scent of the forest, the warmth of the sun and the thrill of the chase?"


Faun are feytouched humanoids descended from Fey that arrived from another plane. Much like other Planetouched, they are mortals with distant blood ties to Satyrs who entered the mortal world from the distant Feywild. Unlike with other Planetouched however, the carefree Fey were prolific enough in antiquity that Faun - a blend of human, elf, and Satyr - became a stable race in its own right long after the Fey had departed, rather than an occasional magical hiccup touched by the supernatural.

Fauns, being mostly mortal are much changed from the ways of their immortal ancestors; while often living in small villages among their kind in deep glades and high mountains - subsisting mostly off hunting, fishing, and keeping a close connection to Orben, the god of nature.


While most Faun are generally careful, quiet, and subtle creatures with strong familial ties to their isolated communities, sometimes tragedy, wanderlust or merely an aggressive curiosity for the trappings of civilization brings individual fauns out of the wilds and closer to the other races as adventurers.



  • Because Fauns are only distantly related to Fey, they are still required to sleep.

  • Fauns are biologically compatible with elves, humans, and - like most planetouched - with half-elves, resulting exclusively in young fauns.

  • Thematically, because of a faun's natural weapons (horns and hooves) talents such as 'Brawler' and 'Pugilist' are recommended but not required.

Core Characteristics

Size: Medium

Average Lifespan: 70 years

Physical Characteristics:

  • Furred Goat-Legs, With Cloven Hooves

  • Patterned Animal Facial Markings.

  • Curved Ram's Horns.

  • Dark eyes.


Orcrest Website by Phiona Mercy. Last Edit: MARCH 8th, 2025

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