The Stoutfolk come from a common, but very small, source. When they were first created, they spread themselves out. Some delved under the mountains, others took to the hills, while yet more collected into urban centers. As their cultures and languages separated, and as their bodies adapted to their environs, they each took on names in their local languages. They commonly refer to each other as ‘cousins’, and can still interbreed amongst themselves without issues and with humans with some issues. Offspring typically (but not always) take after their parent of the opposite gender. Don’t ask why, it just happens that way.
"If we are to be treated as savages regardless, why should we act any different?"
Half-Orcs are the result of coupling between Orcs and humans or elves. In most cultures, half-orcs are prejudiced against. In the lands of their human or elven ancestors, half-orcs are commonly seen as savage thugs and looked down upon. As a result, most half-orcs in human society are forced into menial labor or violence for a career. Some choose to take on the life of an adventurer, perhaps merely as another acceptable means to wealth and power or sometimes as a way to throw off the shackles of other people’s perceptions.
While an uncomfortably large number of Half-Orcs are the result of conquest, slavery, selective breeding or outright rape, most Half-Orcs born today are the result of second-generation coupling between two half-orcs -- although half-orcs can breed true with humans or elves, producing "quarter-orcs"; crossing the lines between humans and elves can result in sterility in offspring. Mostly, Orc-blooded children take after their orcish parents and are also considered 'half-orcs' for purposes of this article. Half-Orcs born of humans tend to be taller, and stronger than half-orcs born of elves which are typically more agile and longer-lived than even humans. Still, both maintain relatively 'Orcish' appearances. Indeed; Many 'Half-Orcs' are often confused for full-blooded orcs or exceptionally large goblins.
Half-Orcs born of Elves or Drow often have pointed ears like elves, which often causes them to be confused for large goblinoids. They can live as long as one-hundred years.
Half-Orcs of Human stock typically have rounded ears, and live as long as fifty years, maturing physically by age 16, though your character must be at least 18 years of age.
Half-Orcs can be the result of the coupling of Orcs or Half-Orcs with Half-Orcs, Elves, Drow or Humans.
Depending on the society a half-orc grew up in; a given half-orc may possess an Orcish, Human, or Elvish name.
Core Characteristics
Size: Medium to Large
Average Lifespan: 50 years
Physical Characteristics:
Half-orcs typically have lower-jaw tusks that jut above their upper lips.
Half-orcs often have greyish-green or gray skin with some pigment based on their non-Orcish parent.
Half-Orcs can be any height between Orc and Human norms.