"Ours is the legacy of the wyrms!"
Kobolds are small Draconic humanoids who zealously worship the deposed race of dragons as gods. In antiquity, before the rise of The Elves, powerful dragons ruled the world as gods and dominated what are now the lands of men. During these centuries, many perverse draconic creatures were made, but kobolds were among the most numerous of that terrible race's many, many spawn.
Since the banishment of Dragon-kind beyond the Dragon's Gate and the rise of Aer Arnad, kobolds have attempted to continue a losing war against elven dominion, often attempting to turn men and dwarves to their cause. While many foolishly believe kobolds to be mere vermin due to their size, the ultimate goal of Kobolds has always been the destruction of the well-warded Dragon's Gate - a feat historically beyond them and most dragon cultists.
Kobolds populate many places above and below the ground throughout the world of Orben, coming from a wide variety of backgrounds, and cooperating wherever they can be found. Like most draconic creatures they can be surprisingly strong for their size and are often even capable of magic.
While few take kobolds seriously, large groups of them can be incredibly dangerous. Kobold tribes sometimes lair in the dens of long-dead dragons and may have access to vast treasures and caches of powerful draconic artifacts; kept as heirlooms of their people from as far back as The Dragonswar - and still other kobolds attempt desperately to recreate such works for their kin and allies.
Kobolds are generally incredibly intelligent, cunning, and productive, motivated to work, cooperating readily with each other and any other who worships or wishes to restore the rule of Dragon-Kind.
While kobolds are not necessarily expressly "evil" kobolds individually are single-minded in their obsessive worship of dragons, and do anything they can to further the aims and worship of any Dragon or Draconian they encounter, regardless of that Dragon's alignment.
Kobolds, being of small size are quite fond of stealth, and many kobolds are skilled in the craft and use of poisons.
While most kobolds are quite forthright and honest about their objectives, they are skilled problem solvers and will often try to use trickery and deception whenever possible once an enemy to their objectives is discovered or established.
Kobolds usually despise and fear Elves and sometimes Drow because The Emperor of Aer Arnad (which both races believe themselves the rightful rulers of) deposed Dragons in antiquity. Though kobolds are sometimes enslaved by Drow, this animosity does not always extend to half-elves (or half-drow) who sometimes adopt Dragon worship.
Large Kobolds clans regularly feud with gnomes and dwarves in their pursuit of treasure.
Kobold characters must be at least 40 years old, and are considered children before this age.
TGOR Kobold Avatar Encouraged for casual avatar makers.
Good Alternatives Include: Ghosted "Dilosphosaur head" (without frills) and Dilosphosaur skin (Ghosted x RUF), Aii & Ego "Draconis Legs", Level 9 "Mephisto Tail", and Conviction Beast Claws with the mesh body of your choice for more clothing options.
Other good choices mesh body choices may be available. Big-eyed Cartoon Kobolds are not authorized, though other (even standard normally "human"!) bodies and may be permitted for exceptional avatar modders if reviewed by staff via Ticket on an individual basis.
Remember: Female kobolds DO NOT possess breasts, as kobolds are not related to mammals.
Core Characteristics
Size: Small
Average Lifespan: 150 years.
Physical Characteristics:
Scales, a tail, claws, and small horns or ridges.
Kobolds may be any height between halflings and dwarves in size.
Scales may be any color, though female kobolds typically have duller, darker scales than male kobolds.