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Not all religions are large and widely accepted. Many beliefs simmer in a populace, spoken in hushed tones or behind closed doors. Many others fall from the lips of intellectuals, madmen, or both. Each belief listed here is considered fringe thought, and expressing one could lead to mockery, exile, claims to insanity, or worse, depending on circumstances. 


Each of these heresies is a forbidden path of belief or ideology, considered a direct affront to the established religious doctrines of the known world. These beliefs challenge divine authority, question creation itself, or delve into concepts considered dangerous to the fabric of faith. Adherents to these heresies often live on the fringes of society as social or legal outcasts, and the least they could expect when expressing their earnest belief is mockery.


This list is non-exhaustive, covering only the heresies most common in the region. As none of these have central religious authorities, each, in practice, varies greatly from heretic to heretic with the nominal same beliefs. As such, information listed here only speaks to the most common strain of each of the most common heresies, not delving into the intra-heretic discussions on the minutiae of their faith.



  • Keep it Secret: Heresies are never well received by the faithful of other religions, and so are typically worshipped in secret.

  • The Ties that Bind: Heretics typically band together into small cults or secret societies. Some take over entire small communities.

  • Outcasts Amongst Outcasts: Even within people typically considered outcasts, heretics are shunned.

  • Fervor is Truth: Heretics tend to hold to their beliefs with extreme faith, for if they didn't they would not be heretics in the first place.

  • A House Divided: Strangely, many heretics dislike other heretics of different sorts, though that varies by cult to cult.

  • Personalized Worship: Without central religious authorities or communal pressure, heretics tend to have widely varied interpretations of their faith, rather than adhering to a specific dogma.​


Core Information

Symbol: Varies heresy to heresy, but a coin with a square hole is a common symbol for those open to alternative thought.

Internal Relations: Varies by heresy

External Relations: Heretics of all stripes are widely shunned in every society, even those typically filled with outlaws and scoundrels. Certain particularly egregious heresies are considered capital crimes in various civilizations.

Heresies (W)

And what might the ant think of us?


Atheism rejects the divinity of gods entirely, asserting that the world operates on natural laws without divine interference. Some of what others call gods may exist, and may create phenomenon in the world, but so too do many other powerful individuals, most of whom it would be laughable to call a deity. What separates a so-called-god from a sorcerer of supreme power? Primisists, a subset of atheists, argue instead that all gods are merely evolved concepts born from humanity's fears and aspirations, ones given shape as form by the collective thoughts of thousands of mortal minds.



  • Adherents are often rational, skeptic, and carry a fierce belief in spiritual autonomy. 

  • Found mostly amongst scholars, inventors, and philosophers who seek to discover the natural laws of the world.

  • Often collect themselves into secret societies to exchange ideas and protect themselves from persecution. 



As any strain of Atheism challenges every established faith, it is the most universally condemned heresy. Atheists rarely, if ever, find settlements where they can be open about their belief without fear of reprisal, and those settlements rarely last long once word reaches the wider world around them. Even those considered scum - brigands, thieves, murderers, and blackguards of every stripe - will spit on one without faith.



The Open Eye: Representing awareness, reason, and the search for truth beyond the divine.

Orcrest Website by Phiona Mercy. Last Edit: MARCH 8th, 2025

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