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One above all, one alone. Ranatorans worship the one true god, the god that created everything, Ranator. All others are pretenders to the title. Ranator is the eternal architect of the cosmos, the uncreated creator who shaped existence from the void. According to Ranatoran scripture, before time began, Ranator alone existed in a formless realm of nothingness. With a single thought, he brought forth the universe, shaping the heavens, the earth, and the souls of all living beings. Ranator did not create other gods; they are seen as rebellious creations of arrogant mortals or malevolent spirits seeking to usurp his authority.


Ranator is distant, stern, and inscrutable. His perfection makes him unapproachable to mortals, and his will is absolute. He is neither cruel nor kind but simply ineffable. His divine aloofness reinforces the idea that mortals should seek to serve rather than comprehend him.


Ranator is above all, and as such does not answer mortal prayers nor grant power or favour to mortal worshippers. Ranatorans do not have clerics that possess magic, but rather lay clergy that tend to the needs of the faithful through mundane means - or through magic acquired from a different source. Still, his followers consider his power undeniable, believing he even goes so far as to shatter godly pretenders like Sault when they encroach on his domain.



  • The Hearts of Men: Worship of Ranator is especially common amongst human settlements - in particular the Kingdom of Elm.

  • The Faithful and Devout: Ranator’s followers are deeply committed to their belief, finding purpose and direction in the god’s absolute nature.

  • Scholars and Philosophers: Those who seek universal truths often revere Ranator as the source of all knowledge and the answer to life’s greatest questions.

  • Leaders and Lawmakers: Ranatoran teachings of unity and order appeal to those who govern, offering a divine justification for their laws and actions.

  • There is One Truth: Ranatorans teach that all other deities are false or lesser fragments of their own will, and only through Ranator can one find true enlightenment.

  • Unity Through Faith: Worshippers are urged to cast aside divisions and differences, seeing themselves as parts of a greater whole under Ranator’s guidance.

  • Redemption Through Submission: Ranator won't forgive you - nor will he punish you, for he is above such things. But the faithful may forgive, if repentance is genuine and followed by devotion and action.​


Core Information

Symbol: A diamond made of four diamonds, each with a diamond hole.

Major Domains: Ranator (All that is)

Minor Domains: None

Internal Relations: Ranatorans are incredibly unified, with the exception of the Testament of Ranator heretics.

External Relations: Ranatorans believe all other gods are pretenders, and so, while capable of civility, look down upon all other religions as inferior and false.


  • The Day of Devotion: A weekly gathering where followers recite the Litany of Unity and pledge their lives to Ranator’s service. Offerings of bread, water, or labor are made to the temple.

  • The Rite of Purification: A ceremony performed to cleanse the soul of sin, often involving fasting, prayer, and the symbolic washing of hands or feet in holy water.

  • The Flame of Unity: Worshippers light candles from the temple’s central flame to carry Ranator’s light into their homes, symbolizing their personal connection to the god.

  • The Vigil of Stars: An annual event where worshippers gather under the night sky to reflect on Ranator’s creation and reaffirm their faith.​​​​​



The Lord of All • One True God



Ranator, the One God of All, stands as the singular divine being in the eyes of their followers, a supreme entity who shaped the cosmos with an all-encompassing will. Unlike other gods tied to specific domains or aspects of existence, Ranator is believed to transcend these boundaries, embodying the entirety of creation. According to Ranatoran doctrine, the god existed before time itself, a boundless presence in the void, and from their essence came all things—light, darkness, life, and the very fabric of reality.

In the myth of The Primordial Word, Ranator is said to have spoken existence into being with a single command, setting the stars alight and breathing life into the void. The world was shaped not by hands but by thought and decree, each aspect of creation a reflection of Ranator’s ineffable perfection. Followers claim that all other gods are merely fragments of Ranator’s will or false pretenders born of mortal misunderstanding.

Ranator’s worship has grown as a unifying force among kingdoms and peoples, often offering a stark alternative to polytheistic traditions. Their followers, known as Ranatorans, reject the worship of other deities, seeing them as distractions from the true god. While this exclusivity has led to conflicts, it has also fostered an unparalleled sense of unity and purpose among the faithful.

Ranator is beyond mortal comprehension, their motives and essence too vast for finite minds. This divine inscrutability inspires both awe and humility among their worshippers. His will is unwavering, their laws immutable. They are the anchor of the cosmos, ensuring stability and order. In a twist of logic, his stoic refusal to grant powers or answer prayers is seen as true divinity - he is concerned with matters so far above moral squabbles that to answer a prayer would demean him. He is everywhere and always, a constant presence in the lives of their followers, though not one that every acknowledges them.

Ranator's will is divined through subtle phenomena, a sudden stillness, a ray of sunlight piercing storm clouds, or an overwhelming sense of peace during prayer. Worshippers often describe feeling a quiet, undeniable certainty about the right course of action, as though aligning with Ranator's will has given them clarity. 

Ranator governs all things, not as a ruler of domains but as the origin and sustainer of existence itself. His power transcends the material and spiritual realms, making them the ultimate divine authority.

Orcrest Website by Phiona Mercy. Last Edit: MARCH 8th, 2025

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