Where does power dwell? Force of arms, or the words to direct them? Powerful weapons, or the ability to create them? The greatest of the gods offer true power, the power of duty and order, the power of knowledge and understanding.
The Sanctified pantheon represents the ideals of civilization of law, justice, creativity, and the pursuit of greatness. Found primarily in cities with thriving trade and artistry, this faith is central to the cultural and spiritual life of the Kingdom of Elm's urban populations. The Sanctified gods embody the structure of society, their domains reflecting the intertwined forces that build and maintain it. The interplay between the deities creates a dynamic and often competitive faith, where worshippers align themselves with the gods whose principles best suit their roles and ambitions.
The pantheon’s primary gods, Verbum, Zeargol, Morevor, Lucren, and Trianna, embody the overarching concepts of law, strength, death, commerce, and beauty. Each has offspring with mortals, some many, some one - for each, however, one is deified: Mendor, Cador, Doerlia, Elke, and Shestra. These demi-gods each represent more specific aspects of their progenitor's domain, creating a multifaceted religion with both harmony and interfaith conflict.
The Sanctified pantheon reflects the complexities of (often human) civilization, where law, strength, creativity, and beauty intertwine to form the foundation of society. Worshippers align themselves with the gods whose domains resonate most with their roles, making the Sanctified a religion with a diverse set of rituals methods of worship. Through their teachings, the Sanctified guide mortals toward greatness, ensuring that their endeavors contribute to the enduring harmony of their world.
Urban Flock: The Sanctified are primarily found in cities - in particular, cities with a focus of trade or artisans. This is the most common religion of the Kingdom of Elm.
Piecemeal Worship: The Sanctified are typically worshipped in part rather than in whole - believes choose the god or gods that most speak to them and follow their teachings, though offer respect to the rest of the pantheon.
Civil Order: Verbum and Mendor grant clarity in legal matters and protect those who uphold justice.​
Watchers on the Wall: Zeargol and Cador bless warriors and leaders with strength and courage, ensuring cities are never without their protectors.
A Just Reward: ​Morevor and Doerlia guide souls to rest and deliver retribution to the wicked.​
Peace Through Trade: Lucren and Elke ensure prosperity through merchants and artisans, interlinking Sanctified cities so they can never truly war with each other.
Creative Flow: Trianna and Shestra spark creativity and bring joy through beauty and passion.
Core Information
Symbol: A five pointed flower.
Major Domains: Verbum (Law), Zeargol (Force), Morevor (Death), Lucren (Trade), Trianna (Beauty)
Minor Domains: Mendor (Order), Cador (Chivalry), Doerlia (Punishment), Elke (Artisans), Shestra (Passion)
Internal Relations: Sanctified are liable to view other Sanctified as of good social standing, regardless of which of the pantheon they worship, however, there is far more comradery between worshippers of the same god, and that has historically lead to internal divisions - particularly when such worship lines up with social groups with their own separate grievances.
External Relations: The Sanctified believe there are many more gods than the ones they worship - and some even worship gods of other religions local to their area! The Sanctified position is that these gods in particular are kind and protective to mortals, and thus give rise to stable, just societies worth living in.
The Oath of Unity: Worshippers of Verbum pledge to uphold justice and order, receiving blessings for their service to society.
The Trial of Valour: A ceremonial combat between worshippers of Zeargol who demonstrate their strength and honour.
The Scales of Balance: Worshippers of Morevor bring tokens representing their actions (white stones for virtuous deeds, black for missteps), and place them on a ceremonial scale. This reflective act allows supplicants to confront their moral balance and seek redemption or reaffirmation of their path.
The Artisan's Offering: Worshippers of Lucren present fine works as offerings, made by themselves or purchased from others, to receive blessings of prosperity.​​​
The Festival of Radiance: Held during the spring equinox, worshippers of Trianna put on a large festival where participants share artistic performances, poetry, and dance. The festival culminates with the lighting of golden lanterns symbolizing the illumination of beauty and harmony in life.
The Keeper • The God of Law
Verbum is the embodiment of law, the foundation of all order and governance. Stern and impartial, Verbum upholds the sanctity of the legal code above all else. In ages past, Verbum crafted the first set of legal decrees, collected as The Codex Eternal, and gifted them to mortal kind. This august work was so well penned that even some of Verbum's fellow gods followed the excerpts relevant to them, giving rise to the Sanctified - a union of deities bound by holy codes. Mortal laws can not hope to emulate such a work, though all such legislation flows from the principles outlined in the Codex.​
The Binding Accord tells the tale of that union, of Verbum going to each god in turn, and those who were open to his wisdom settling their disputes to make a greater whole. Peace, as always, lead to prosperity, and together the bound gods created something much larger than the sum of its parts. In this, though the Sanctified have no leader, they have a progenitor.
The Judge • Demi-God of Order
Laws are only as real as their enforcement, and divine law is no different. Just as Verbum acts as divine legislature, Mendor acts as divine judge. The patron of judges, administrators, and clerks of all types, Mendor is worshipped as the font of good (legal) judgement and jurisprudence. Through his calm and measured oversight, law becomes order, words become reality, and peace becomes enduring.