The mysteries of the arcane are the mysteries of the universe. Solve one, and the other follows. All gods and goddesses are magic, after all, so why worship any but the one from whom magic flows?
The pantheon of the Seekers revolves around Astraformilaniculdistilian, the all-encompassing deity of Knowledge and Magic, and their enigmatic twin scions, Aidex and Axiom. These three entities represent the pursuit of understanding, the discovery of new truths, and the veiling of secrets, forming a complex and dynamic relationship within their shared domain. Worshippers of Astraformilaniculdistilian honor them with their full name, as taking shortcuts is seen as disrespectful to the divine essence of knowledge and the rigorous effort required to obtain it.
Astraformilaniculdistilian, as the primary deity of the Seekers, represents the boundless potential of magic and knowledge. They teach that understanding the universe is both a privilege and a responsibility, requiring effort, respect, and discipline. Aidex and Axiom complement Astra’s teachings by representing the dual forces of discovery and secrecy, opposing yet essential aspects of the pursuit of knowledge.
Followers of Astraformilaniculdistilian, Aidex, and Axiom understand that knowledge is both a gift and a burden. Aidex inspires them to uncover truths and push the boundaries of the known, while Axiom reminds them of the dangers of unrestrained curiosity. Together, the Trinity of Arcane Truth serves as a guide, mentor, and protector, ensuring that the pursuit of knowledge enriches rather than destroys the world.
Scholarly Practice: Seekers are found wherever there is magic to learn and people to learn it. While not every mage is a Seeker, those who dedicate the most to the research of magic end up amongst them time and time again. Scholars of non-magical pursuits also commonly become Seekers, regardless of their homeland.
Omens of Auspice: Astraformilaniculdistilian responds to seekers by offering cryptic signs, patterns in the stars, whispers in ancient tomes, or visions during meditation.​
Blessings of Clarity: Those who pursue knowledge with patience and humility often experience sudden moments of understanding or breakthroughs in their work as blessing from Aidex.
Tempered Teachings: ​Reckless or arrogant seekers may encounter magical barriers, visions of ruin, or cryptic dreams as a sign of Axiom’s displeasure.​
Core Information
Symbol: A labyrinth
Major Domains: Astraformilaniculdistilian (Knowledge and Magic)
Minor Domains: Aidex (Discovery), Axiom (Secrets)
Internal Relations: If you ask three scholars the truth of a matter you'll receive five answers. The relations between Seekers are those of debate - sometimes friendly, sometimes fierce, but each Seeker has their own opinions on nearly every aspect of worship, and vehemently insists that most every other Seeker's opinion is wrong...no matter how similar it may be.
External Relations: Seekers believe there are many gods beyond the ones they worship, but that their gods are the ones most worthy. They view practitioners of other religions as quaint, and not of any real intellectual threat.
The Ritual of the Unveiled Glyph: Worshippers meditate in front of a glowing magical sigil, inscribing their questions into enchanted parchment. If Astraformilaniculdistilian deems the seeker worthy, the parchment reveals cryptic answers or hints toward deeper truths.
The Spark of Revelation: A celebratory ritual where followers share their recent discoveries, innovations, or breakthroughs. Aidex’s blessings are said to manifest as flashes of inspiration during the ceremony.
The Silent Vigil: A solemn rite where worshippers spend a night in silence, reflecting on the weight of the knowledge they seek. Participants often receive dreams of hidden truths or warnings of the dangers they face.​​​
The Infinite Mind • The God of Knowledge
Astraformilaniculdistilian, often referred to by scholars as The Infinite Mind, is the primary deity of the Seekers, embodying the limitless potential of knowledge and arcane power. According to myth, Astraformilaniculdistilian was born at the moment the first mortal asked, “Why?” Their creation was the result of a cosmic spark igniting the void, giving rise to the thirst for understanding and the tools to pursue it.
Legends claim that Astraformilaniculdistilian gave mortals their first glimmers of magic, unlocking the hidden mechanisms of the world. In the myth of The First Glyph, Astraformilaniculdistilian whispered a single word of power into the dreams of a mortal sage, who then used it to decode the arcane language of the gods. This act marked the beginning of mortal mastery over magic and the unending quest for enlightenment.
Astra seeks neither to promote nor hinder mortals but serves as a guide for those brave enough to explore the arcane. Though vast in their knowledge, Astra encourages reverence and effort, valuing even small acts of intellectual curiosity. Astraformilaniculdistilian provides knowledge indiscriminately, leaving mortals to decide how to use it, but they subtly warn against misuse through visions and omens.
Astraformilaniculdistilian’s relationship with Aidex and Axiom is a source of theological debate. Some believe the twins are Astraformilaniculdistilian’s creations, manifestations of discovery and secrecy to balance the pursuit of knowledge. Others argue that Aidex and Axiom are simply Astraformilaniculdistilian in alternate forms, allowing mortals to grasp aspects of their vast and incomprehensible nature.
The Guiding Light • God of Discovery
Aidex represents the thrill of discovery and the joy of uncovering new truths. He is said to wander the mortal realms in disguise, inspiring inventors, scholars, and mages to push the boundaries of their understanding. He is curious, optimistic, and encouraging. He rewards those who actively seek out knowledge and take risks to uncover hidden truths.
The Keeper of the Veil • God of Secrets
Axiom embodies the mysteries of the world and the necessity of restraint in the spread of knowledge. She safeguards the forbidden, ensuring that some truths remain hidden until the world is ready to bear them. She is mysterious, contemplative, and cautious. She punishes reckless seekers who delve into secrets without understanding the consequences.