Text block
Headers should use the Header 2 style, with the emboss (first) effect applied. They should not start the page any higher than 218px to keep header readability. The text block under it should start with a blank line for spacing, and then be snapped to the bottom of the header. Subheaders are bold and on a new line, with no spacers below it. Subheaders and text blocks both use the Paragraph 2 style.
Lists should use bullet points.
Lists should always have their own subheader.
Flavour images should always be greyscale, with transparent representing the white so the page bleeds through.
Other Style
Links should be gold and underlined: Example. (#A07C00)
Orcrest and Beyond Orcrest should be bolded when used.
"Quotes should be in quotation marks and italics, but otherwise normal text."
Side Boxes
Side boxes can be used to differentiate information.
Font size can go down to 14 in side boxes
Side boxes should always have their own subheader
Where possible, Side Boxes should be in line with a title on the main page and snapped to the right side
"A quote might go here."
Tabs should operate like normal page set up, but with their own separate section. Everything else should be identical.
Tabs should always stretch across the whole screen