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The Dread



The Dread is the common name for intelligent undead - those rare and fearsome beings who's corrupted souls are anchored to their decaying body. Most undead are raised to some facsimile of life by magic, with the caster imbedding instructions or directly controlling the bodies to their whims, but the Dread are different beasts - created by corruption and retaining their will and wits. While a properly prepared Saultshard can be used to bring someone back from the dead, an improperly prepared (either accidentally or intentionally) one instead creates a Dread, anchoring their soul to their body through a corrupted conduit that strips the soul of its virtues while feeding into its baser qualities. The kind become cold, the generous become misers, the calm become angry - and any who were already leaning into those emotions get them enflamed even further.


All corruption is not created equal, however. While a botched Saultshard ritual might create mockery of life, one that is prepared with skill and intent can corrupt the soul even further - giving rise to deeper powers as it strips away the last vestiges of the person who once was. Further, a Dread's control over their conduit will also determine how much the corruption rules them, instead of the other way around.


The Dread maintain the base characteristics of their life to a certain degree, but can be made from any race.​​



  • The Dread must be of evil alignment.​

  • Each Dread will be given a Corrupted Saultshard by the Story Team. This trinket will have the Ensouled property, as well as one additional property for Low Corruption Dreads and two for High Corruption Dreads.

  • If a Dread is killed, but their Saultshard is not destroyed, their body will reform around the shard over the next 24 hours. However, if a Dread is killed twice in one month, their shard will shatter, permanently killing them.

  • The Dread do not have to have a Force for Chaos role, but those who do will be given extra story considerations (the ability to turn others into undead, minions, etc)



"We do not truly change, we only become more fully what we are."


The Low Corruption Dread are the stuff of children's nightmares. Stalkers in the night, feeding on blood, killing those who stray too far from the beaten path. These Dread cleave the closest to their old lives, looking markedly different but not so much that they can't slink through a town without notice. Their souls have not been totally lost, and so their bodies still require sustenance - blood, and the blood of sentients to boot. 


There are many types of Dread, and many names for each - some whisper of vampires, others of ghouls, and many spin fanciful tales of stakes, rivers, silver, and daylight. In truth, the only thing that will save you is the destruction of their shard - everything else is wishful thinking.


The Dread with control over their conduits will often take the role of the patient hunter, luring people into vulnerable positions as often as is necessary but rarely more. Those without control, however, are far more terrifying. Nigh feral, they often tear through villages and neighborhoods with swift fervor - though they are far more likely to be caught and dealt with by the locals.



  • Low Corruption Dread must consume sentient blood at least once a month, or their corruption will build, but do not otherwise need to drink or even breathe.

  • After one month, their urges will start taking over, and any self control they had will slip away to induce a feeding frenzy.

  • If that doesn't work, after two months, their flesh will slough off, their corruption will deepen, and they will become a High Corruption Dread.

  • Those with control over their conduits are often called Vampires, and those without Ghouls. In truth, there is no phenotypical difference between the two - a vampire who loses control will become a ghoul, and a ghoul who gains it will become a vampire.

  • Common folk-tale weaknesses are false, either old legends or else intentional propaganda by the Dread. The Dread can operate in sunlight (though they prefer not to, as their differences are more noticeable in the day), and the only way to permanently kill one is to destroy their corrupted shard.

  • The Dread can not make new intelligent undead any way except with a corrupted shard. Tales of bites or other wounds turning people into monsters are similarly old legends or intentional propaganda.

Core Characteristics

Size: Varies by Base Race

Average Lifespan: Ageless

Physical Characteristics:

  • Varies by Base Race

  • With effort, can blend in with Base Race

  • Notable non-standard features

    • (ex: paler skin, red eyes, fangs, clawed nails)


Orcrest Website by Phiona Mercy. Last Edit: MARCH 8th, 2025

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