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Community Code of Conduct

Rule 0. Squeaky Wheel Gets the Grease:
Use proper channels and communication. Respectfully talk to 'rules breakers' to ask them to cease breaking whatever rule you think they're breaking. "They" can't fix things if they don't know. If they refuse, talk to staff members via the Discord ticket system with as much evidence (logs, screenshots) as possible. Staff can't fix things unless WE know; and we aren't proactively trying to 'gotcha' people. The Staff - and other players - are not psychic and shouldn't have to be.

  1. Be an adult:
    In addition to literally being 18 or older, you are required to act your age. If you have a good understanding of how to treat others then you will be welcomed with open arms. Always use good judgment and remember that the key to most disputes is communication. Your character can be an awful scumbag, you on the other hand shouldn’t be. Communicate that this is simply how your character is with others to avoid the potential that they could perceive your character’s actions/demeanor as OOC passive aggression.


  2. Intent Matters:
    Those who apologize to those they've rubbed the wrong way are forgiven more readily than those who justify their actions after they're told they're on the wrong path by staff members. Be kind to each other in OOC and try to forgive when apologies are made for small mistakes and misreads. If you need staff to mediate or moderate every consequential thing you RP: You may be the problem.


  3. Keep logs and screenshots: The Truth Will Set You Free.
    Admins and staff cannot be expected to know every single player with certainty. If something or someone makes you uncomfortable it is best to take screenshots and take logs of any evidence you will need to ensure your report is handled timely and accurately. If you are reporting a staff member, just as you would with a player, please bring the offense up politely to the staff member in question first, and if they continue to not comply with the rules you should gather any evidence you can to provide proof to administration. With solid evidence this will be addressed, however hearsay and reports with no evidence will not be given attention. Use the ticket system on the Discord for any instance in which you would be making a report.


  4. Cheating, Multi-boxing & God-Moding:
    Cheating is doing things like using multi-boxing in IC areas (the appearance of playing both-sides of a faction war and sand-bagging one or using the alt to buff your own faction's numbers) or using your alt to enter a raffle multiple times. You can have alts - just don't use them at the same time. God-moding is ignoring the actions of other characters or dice-results without the permission of all players with interest in it. A simple majority is not enough. This can include "teleporting" yourself out of prison and doing farming or other activities.


  5. Meta-Gaming & Blending:
    Sometimes simple meta-gaming is acceptable; "Let's go do a scene at the tavern." and then having a good time is fine. Bad meta-gaming comes when you're meta-gaming to the detriment of or in leading to competition with another player, or otherwise feeding your character information they have no in-play method of knowing. Camming someone at the tavern and then going there to fight them is an example of "bad" meta-gaming. Likewise, "Postless Spying" is meta-gaming and cheating. If your character has not posted into a scene, they cannot use any information or take actions you've "heard" up until after your first post into a scene has occurred, as well as chat-listener-prims and other OOC nonsense.

    Blending is the failure to separate OOC and IC conduct. This can include OOC conduct taken against someone else because of IC actions, or IC conduct taken because of an instant-message from characters outside chat-range or because you read something you don't like in a person's profile. Another example is hating someone's character because you dislike a past character of theirs from this or another sim, or RPing someone as a member of "your SL family" as the same role in your character's family. This kind of behavior is strictly prohibited.


  6. Disruptive Players:
    If your primary goal at Beyond Orcrest is to disrupt roleplay or be malicious to others then you will be swiftly dealt with and may result in the inability to continue playing on the sim. This applies to both the official Discord, as well as in-world.


  7. OOC Harassment & Spam:
    Harassment of any kind (sexual, verbal) is not tolerated on Beyond Orcrest out of character. What happens in-character happens, but show some self-control out of character. Messaging people not on your friend's list, asking for extreme kinks, or random intimate emotes in those stranger's IM is not acceptable behavior. Spam also includes advertising and unsolicited friend-invites. If someone proves they are on your friend-list, they may be provided some leeway as it's difficult for staff to judge familiarity vs. baiting. If someone doesn't respect your boundaries, don't keep them as friends. We're not here to mediate pranks between friends that aren't disrupting RP.


  8. Contentious topics, "Debates" & Brigading:
    Out of character politically or real-life racially motivated chat, banter, names, or memes will not be tolerated on sim or it's discord. If your name is deemed to break this rule, you will be asked to change or you will not be able to access the sim further. This includes naming yourself after political figures from other countries or history as well as trying to get support or solidarity for political groups or view-points. If you have racist or otherwise prejudiced groups in your profile and display these, you will not be permitted to participate on the sim - sexual interests are one thing, but promoting groups that encourage bigotry toward IRL groups will not be tolerated regardless of "facing". If you have feedback for the staff, please use a Feedback Ticket on the Discord.


  9. Observing/Spectating rule:
    You are allowed to observe and wander about to get a feel for the setting and the roleplay present at Beyond Orcrest. You are required to keep your distance from existing roleplay taking place on the sim. Do not go into private residences, try to not bump into anyone or stay in one place for too long. Ensure that you are wearing an OOC or Observer tag at all times. Do not interact with anyone in local chat whilst you’re in IC areas. If your clothing or presence distracts community members you will be removed. If you have any questions, reach out and ask a staff member. A small, realistic bird avatar or something invisible is ideal. If you're gonna cam people in their houses try to at least turn off your camera tattler to not be annoying, please.


  10. Rumor-mongering, doxing, and other acts of misconduct:
    Do not start rumors with the intent of causing harm to other players. Do not expose any real life information of other players. Do not use sim crashers. Do not try to interfere with the experience of our community members in any way. Those who participate in such behavior will be banned from Beyond Orcrest and reported to Linden Labs where applicable.


  11. Avatars, Creature/Race-Types and Dress Code:
    Standards exist on each race and creature page. Make some effort to learn history and understand if your character is in bounds for the setting or not. If in doubt, put in a ticket to the staff with screen shots via Gyazo, Flickr or Imgur.


  12. Common Characters have a Reasonable Right To Live:
    When your character starts killing other people's characters (even when "justified") or otherwise stops acting reasonably, this 'right' becomes significantly curtailed. Limited Availability Characters can be killed without reason - however doing so is not considered 'reasonable' behavior and curtails your own characters 'right' to live in the hands of who find out about it IC and have the desire to avenge it..


  13. Limits & Fade-To-Black:
    Every player reserves the right to fade to black a scene that makes them uncomfortable. It does not nullify the fact that the scene happened, but they do not actually need to roleplay it out. This rule can also be used towards monotonous tasks like training, hard labor, or repetitive tasks - or because you OOCly have to log off and need to do something in real life away from the PC.


  14. Neutral Guards Used Properly:
    Neutral Guards in Redford don't protect (and can be used to attack) "monster" races, and Neutral Guards in the Underdark Trade-Post don't protect non-monster races. The guards otherwise should be utilized to stop theft, violence and enforce noble rights.


  15. Sexuality/Adult Themes:
    Beyond Orcrest is an adult sim, and adult themes will be present on the sim. That being said, privacy cannot be guaranteed while in the roleplay area if you choose to engage in these acts in an area that can be reached by other players.

    In general, it is considered inappropriate to push sex scenes (particularly 'IC forced' sex RP) on any person who has not accepted a friend-invite from you. In Character Flirting or even IC 'leers' might be fine, but those who regularly attempt to push the boundaries of this on other players may be sanctioned by the staff if regularly reported as victimizing players who'd prefer not to have their characters targeted. Please do not keep players who regularly disrespect your OOC boundaries on your friend-list, as this may confuse staff judgements. We prefer not to be involved in issues between "friends".

    As long as the players involved in the act are OOCly consenting or on each other's friend lists, people are free to enjoy themselves in play - including very dark roleplay - so long as they acknowledge that everyone else in the story and setting is free to REACT (in character) to the RP when they find out about it. ("If your character does something bad to someone else's character, even if you had OOC consent, your [character] may be expected to pay for it.")

    Keep in mind that all people involved (regardless of 'friend' status) are free to engage "Fade to Black" at any time, and all people, including the one calling for Rule 13 must abide by it's procedures to close up the scene.

    Avatars that are (or appear to be) adolescents, teenagers, fetish, or overly sexualized will be removed from the sim. Intersex or transgender characters and themes are entirely acceptable on the sim. Realistic proportions are expected and encouraged of players within Beyond Orcrest. All players in Beyond Orcrest must be 18 years of age, and their characters must be adults for their race/species.


  16. Winning is not a crime:
    Going into a competitive circumstance and complaining because it didn't turn out how you wanted is not the fault of people on the other side. Stop trying to control other people's roleplay past the dice rolls and learn to have your character compromise with them - characters unwilling to make peace with their enemies must be allowed to suffer the consequences.


Staff Code of Conduct

The Staff Code of Conduct is written clearly, and plainly for everyone to see. In the past five years, most can barely name a successful sim that hasn't had some kind of serious staff drama. Because of this, the sim owner has set guidelines for the conduct of staff members and made them open to the light of day.


  1. The Staff Serves the Public at the discretion of the Sim Owner:
    There are no perks, and any member of the staff may be dismissed by the Sim Owner, for any reason, personal or professional. We are all here to serve the greater interests of the roleplaying community as a whole: Not just those roleplayers we personally appreciate. Likewise, Staff isn't a democracy. If a staff member cannot fulfill their responsibilities, the keys to the castle will be given to another. The resignation of a staff member will never be allowed to be used as leverage or blackmail for negotiation. Members of the sim staff making demands and threatening to resign will be considered a full and immediate resignation without exception.

  2. Player Code of Conduct:
    In addition to the following articles, staff members are held more strictly to the Community Code Of Conduct than non-staff. Breaking the Community Code of Conduct counts as breaking the Staff Code of Conduct.

  3. Honesty, Solidarity & Trust.
    What happens in staff chat, or is told amongst staff members, should be kept confidential and not be used to embarrass players being reprimanded or staff who made bad calls. Publicly or privately airing sim laundry, musings, ideas, sim plans, to non-staff - via logs, screenshots, or hear-say is not in keeping with the staff code of conduct and is grounds for dismissal. Even if you disagree with something, a united front outside staff chat is required. The sim owner is the sole determiner of what can, and cannot be released to the public - typically for purposes of hype and advertisement. If you want to be allowed to release something: Just ask.

  4. Impartiality.
    Two or more staff members should always be present for any judgment against a player with staff members whose own characters are involved being disqualified from making judgment calls. If everyone is disqualified because of a web of intrigue (OOC or IC), The Sim Owner will do the deed herself. When making a judgement call, a staff member should always try to include other staff members.

  5. Professionalism.
    Though we are not paid, maintaining an air of good manners and professionalism is a requirement for participating on staff. This doesn't mean you can't make jokes, but it's recommended you lean toward 'Dad Jokes' (This is key and staff will be reminded about it by players and other staff members) when dealing with members of the public, unless you know them very well. When roleplaying or socializing? Avoid wearing a staff tag, so people know you aren't acting in an official capacity. i.e. "ur mum's a dad joke." ba-dun-tch!


  6. Damaging the Sim Experience:
    This includes damaging or deleting parts of the website, discord, the sim build itself or other elements of the sim that you feel you have the right to "take with you" on your way out the door. Leaving a tree in place costs you literally nothing. Anything placed on the sim or webpage by staff members in the context of their duties belongs to the community, and attempts to steal from the community will result in black-listing wherever possible.


  7. Leaving staff.
    Leaving the Staff is not a way to get out of the Staff Code of Conduct. Once you have resigned, or been removed from a place on the staff, you are relieved of all staff duties and responsibilities but are still bound by the rules of the staff code of conduct regarding your time and information you learned while on staff. Breaking the staff code of conduct after a resignation - such as by using information learned as staff to your political benefit - may result in removal from the sim. Even violating the Community Guidelines can result in a harsher reprimand than that of a new player because (former) staff members are expected to know better. (See Rule #2 above.)

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