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Lands & Cultures That Influence Orcrest

The Region of Orcrest, formerly the Province of Orcrest takes most of its cultural influence from the regions of Nuumalon (West), Aer Arnad (East), Greater Linothor (Collective), The Sulgate (South East), and The Free Cities of Beleri (South). Like the Kingdom of Elm on the Western bank, Orcrest borders the Eol River on the Eastern bank, and the river ties Orcrest to most of these regions both economically and culturally through trade and travel. You are fine to have your characters be from different cities, towns, or countries from those mentioned here; and while there is a vast cannon setting for staff to draw upon, providing all of those examples are things most would not read - but these are provided to help newer writers get creative with the setting.

The Thradhel Mountain Clans (North West)

Kingdom of Elm (Near West)

Kingdom of Nuumalon (Far West)

Dwarves of Grimgaud (North East)

The Beleri Confederation (South)

The Darklings (Underdark)

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